
497 results returned for keyword(s) fur trade

June-July 2017

See what’s available in the June-July 2017 special collector's issue of Canada’s History magazine.

Glorious Ghost Town

JoAnn Roe tours Heritage Ghost Town, near Revelstoke, British Columbia, where the spirit of the frontier lives on. 

August-September 2019

See what’s available in the August-September 2019 issue of Canada’s History magazine.

Velo Voyageurs

Touring the Ottawa River region by bicycle.

Strangers in the House

Book Review:  In Strangers in the House, Candace Savage writes of her search for her family history and the bigotry that her family experienced in Saskatoon in the early twentieth century. 

Saved from the Wreckage

An intrepid botanist braved ice and snow to bring his prized specimens home

The 1923 Chinese Exclusion Act

Canada’s harsh immigration policies of the 19th and 20th centuries discriminated against people based on race, particularly people wishing to emigrate from China.

Saint Catherine Street

Transcript of the Montreal Chronicles: Saint Catherine Street video

Canada's Silk Road

From the Orient to New York via Vancouver, precious silk could only be transported one way — by rail. For Canadian railways, every minute counted.

The Roots of Inequality

Open Book: In Valley of the Birdtail: An Indian Reserve, a White Town, and the Road to Reconciliation, Andrew Stobo Sniderman and Douglas Sanderson (Amo Binashi) trace the historical and continuing reasons why the prospects and outcomes for young people growing up in the two adjacent communities have been and remain so different.