
497 results returned for keyword(s) fur trade

The York Factory Express

Book Review: The York Factory Express provides a fascinating window into the lives of a distinct group of men who led daring, adventurous lives and who were the driving force behind one of the Hudson’s Bay Company’s least known yet most epic transportation ventures.

Rupert's Land

The dashing prince who did much to shape the direction of Canada was not your run-of-the-mill royal.

Fleet Memories

Lake Huron village has a rich fishing heritage.

The Explorers' Garden

In the dead of a typical Canadian winter, a rose by any other name than Explorer would not be as hardy.

Montréal in Time

Thousands of pieces form Montréal’s historical patchwork quilt. 

Cupids, Newfoundland: Conception of a New Life

Canada’s first English settlers leave a rich Elizabethan legacy.

Masters and Servants

Book Review: In Masters and Servants, Parks Canada historian Scott Stephen examines how the Hudson’s Bay Company constructed its labour force during the firm’s “long first century.”

Fractious Farming at the Furtrade Posts

Gardening was a common pursuit at the fur-trade posts from the very start, but that didn't mean it came easily.  

Stuffed Beaver with All the Trimmings

Christmas feasting in pioneer Canada was often a “pot luck” affair.

History In Deed: Stories to Recall, Repair, Rebalance

Joanne Hammond's keynote presentation “History In Deed: Stories to Recall, Repair, Rebalance” from the Beyond 150: Telling Our Stories Twitter Conference held in August 2017.