Discover a wealth of interesting, entertaining and informative stories in each issue, delivered to you six times per year.
Choosing Canada's Leaders
It was a long time before Canada’s federal elections were fair. At first, only men could vote and campaigns involved pressure or bribery to pick a certain candidate. There were fights and even deaths. Cheating was common. In this issue, readers can follow the election trail to see how we got to the system we have now.
Canada’s Chief Electoral officer, Stéphane Perrault, explains how it works and why voting matters — even if you’re not old enough to cast a ballot yet. Neighbours highlight our country’s long history of excluding some people from voting at a 1972 yard sale in this issue’s fiction feature, and the comic offers vignettes of the bad old days before elections were properly regulated.
Readers can enjoy fun facts, ponder the age they think is best to start voting, and discover lots more in the September issue of Kayak.
Kayak: Canada’s History Magazine for Kids — 4 issues per year for as low as $14.95.
We have classroom materials related to this issue of Kayak.