April-May 2024

See what’s available in the April-May 2024 issue of Canada’s History.

Posted January 9, 2024

April-May 2024


The Darkest Nights

Bomber Command airmen take on the Nazis in the Battle of Berlin. by Joel Ralph Read the sidebar “Women and the War in the Air”

Planes of the RCAF

A look at five iconic aircraft, from the First World War to the 1980s. by Joel Ralph

Men against the Desert

Two downed airmen trek through enemy territory to freedom. by Dawn Martens

Mysterious Madonna

Buried for more than 300 years, a plaque of the Virgin and child is replete with symbolism. by Monique Benoit


Founded in 1949, the Western military alliance remains a powerful geopolitical force in the world today. by Timothy Andrews Sayle Listen to the podcast

On the Cover

Lancaster bombers fly over Berlin in an original oil painting by aviation artist Neil Hipkiss.



Family ties.

The Packet

Federalism’s fractures. Dedicated educators.


Notre-Dame Basilica’s bicentennial. Manitoba’s honorary first premier. Reform newspaper. Group of Seven artist A.Y. Jackson. Nunavut turns twenty-five. Primordial asteroid investigated. Prince Edward Island switches lanes.

Trading Post

A well-loved clothes brush was purchased from the Hudson’s Bay Company in Victoria.


The Niagara Parkway offers scenic vistas as well as nearby historic sites about Isaac Brock, Laura Secord, and the region’s Indigenous peoples.


Open Book: Newspaper illustrators portrayed early battles for Stanley Cup supremacy. Reviews: Right there below. Ties that bind. Political scrappers. More books: Prairie shelterbelts, island enigma. Read them all

History Matters

Labrador seniors group seeks reconciliation through drumming and dancing.


A welder from Manitoba learned airplane repair at St. Thomas, Ontario, as part of the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan.

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