
501 results returned for keyword(s) fur trade

Sisters of the Ice

Book Review: Bruce Macdonald’s new book focuses on two vessels that loom large in the story of the Canadian Arctic.

Ram's Head Snuff Mull

A ram’s head snuff mull belonged to Hudson’s Bay Company governor Sir George Simpson.

HBC Blazer

A 1940s dress blazer was worn by a Hudson’s Bay Company post manager.


This navigational instrument may have belonged to French explorer Samuel de Champlain.


These stone tools were used for hunting and warfare.

Chunks of Raw Copper

Chunks of raw copper from the western Arctic were given to HBC Chief Factor James Thomson.

Arrowhead Sash

Early Red River settler Jean-Baptiste Lagimodière wore this colourful accessory.

Teaching with The Beaver

We know that the legacy of The Beaver is complicated, sometimes even problematic. However, we also know that within the pages of the magazine there is great potential to encourage new questions and perspectives in sharing history with future generations.

HBC Archives: Photos Transcript

HBC Archives: Photos Transcript

La Meute Culturelle

Since its inception in 2002, over twenty of Lafontaine’s pioneering families have been showcased in various editions of the Musée vivant de Lafontaine.