August-September 2021

See what’s available in the August-September 2021 issue of Canada’s History magazine.

Posted July 7, 2021

August-September 2021


Reconsidering the Gold Rush

When prospectors stampeded into the Klondike, Chief Isaac guided the Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in people through a time of turmoil. by Charlotte Gray

The Rainmaker

With a mix of chemistry and bravado, a peddler of pluviculture convinced farmers in Alberta that he could coax water from the sky. by Alan MacEachern

Creature Comforters

We salute some famous — and some not-so-famous — animals from Canada’s past. by Nancy Payne

De-naming British Columbia

Canada’s westernmost province owes its alias to a colonial power and a murderous American fur trader. It’s time for a conversation about the name British Columbia. by Ry Moran

On the cover

Chief Isaac stands in front of a crowd during Discovery Day celebrations in Dawson City, Yukon, circa 1920. (Photo: Dawson Museum 1984.106.1)


Editor’s Note

Re-examining the past.

The Packet

Fine fakes. Drawing conclusions. Inspired reading.


From the Archives: Straightlaced fashion show. Forever changed. Facing the past. Quilts of Valour. Drive-Ins in Canada. Photographic memory: Royals at the rodeo. Lost opportunities. Recognizing LGBTQ2S+ histories. Quebec historian remembered. Searching for residential school victims.

Trading Post Drive

A brass mould was used to recycle lead into shot for firearms.


Open book: Excerpt from The Diary of Dukesang Wong. Reviews: Threshold experiences. Rebuilding societies. Happy medium. More books: Spree killer, oil icon, principled protestors, dangerous cargo. Read them all


A sacred Alberta landscape hosts ancient Indigenous rock art. At the museums: Prairie women, Niagara power station, letters to mother.


What’s with the public’s fascination with celebrity genealogy?

Annual Report

Celebrating the success of 2020–21. Plus our annual honour roll of donors.


People hold fishing nets at a shanty in Wiarton, Ontario.

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