
497 results returned for keyword(s) fur trade

History Idol: John Rae

John Rae is not as well known as some of the other famous names of northern exploration — people like Sir John Franklin, for instance. But Ken McGoogan argues that Rae deserves greater recognition than he has received to date because of what he accomplished.

Trail North

Book Review: Ken Mather explores the history of the Okanagan Trail through the different groups that used it.

June-July 2020

See what’s available in the June-July 2020 issue of Canada’s History magazine.

Travelling Performer

A profile of a woman from a family of travelling performers.

Afua Cooper Transcript

Afua Cooper Transcript

The Associates

A look at the titans of industry and commerce that helped create Canada.

Saint-Pierre and Miquelon

Two tiny islands off Newfoundland and Labrador are all that remain of what was once a vast French empire in North America.

The Smallest Objective

Book Review: In The Smallest Objective, author Sharon Kirsch embarks on a journey of discovery as she combs through the belongings that have been left in her childhood home.

The Invisibles

Book Review: Writer and former Parks Canada historian James Candow has filled a gap left by British military historians, who have largely overlooked the garrisons stationed in the colony of Newfoundland.

Into the Light

Often overlooked or misattributed, the works of Canada’s earliest women photographers are now being rediscovered.