
501 results returned for keyword(s) fur trade

2019 Book & Gift Guide

Our 16th annual advertising section offers a wide selection of books and gifts for Canadian history lovers.

Timeline: The Underground Railroad

A look at the Underground Railroad and anti-slavery movement in Canada.

Mother-of-pearl Gaming Counters

Gaming counters would be used either to keep score or for bidding during card games. Early varieties have distinctly Chinese designs with fine cross-hatching patterns and are very thin and delicate.

Sheets of a Pleasant Colour

War, pestilence, and fire were the constant enemies of the young Augustinian nurses. But they persevered. Today the Hôtel-Dieu de Quebec stands testimony to their faith and charity.

Monumental Moments

What began as a ‘Victorian gentleman’s club’ one hundred years ago has evolved into the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada we know today.

Resurgence and Reconciliation

Reading List: A selection of new and recent Canadian Indigenous-history books.

Annual Report 2019-20

Celebrating Canada’s history makers, creating compelling content, connecting with kids, supporting history education and research, and learning from Canada’s young storytellers.

Canada's Great Women

In a perfect world, the thirty women on this list would be household names. But for too long history textbooks have focused on great men, to the exclusion of all others.

Beyond Brutal Passions

Book Review: In Beyond Brutal Passions, historian Mary Anne Poutanen traces the largely ignored lives of women in the sex trade in nineteenth-century Montreal, illustrating that these women were much more than the sum of their work.

The Larder of the Wise

Book Review: In The Larder of The Wise, M. Anne Wyness, a member of the Vancouver Historical Society, takes readers through the life and times of James Inglis Reid, a Scottish immigrant who came to Canada in 1906 to seek his fame and fortune in the grocery trade.