From the archives: In the Autumn 1962 issue of The Beaver, writer and photographer Leonard Lee Rue III travelled to northern Ontario to document the habits and habitats of Odocoileus virginianus, the white-tailed deer.
From the archive: A feature story in the Winter 1983 issue of The Beaver tells the story of an Inuit woman in the eighteenth century who travelled to England against her will and became an essential figure in diplomatic relations between European traders and Indigenous peoples.
Matt's blog was used as a forum to post videos, news articles, and interviews performed with First Nations leaders in relation to the Idle No More movement. From there, teachers and students from all over Canada began to add to the resources and comment on what they learned or thought of the movement itself.
Book review: The War in the Woods of the 1980s and 1990s pitted the government of British Columbia against the First Nations of Meares Island, B.C., in a battle over Indigenous rights to the land and its resources.