
206 results returned for keyword(s) kayak

Disaster Strikes

It’s awful when terrible events occur, but on the flipside, it’s pretty wonderful to know that others are always ready to help. This issue looks at the Great Depression, the Halifax Explosion, emergency response and natural disasters.

Creating Canada

Learn more about the Fathers of Confederation and how they made our country happen. And what could be more Canadian than to tell that story in the context of our greatest game — hockey?

Cribbage Board

Cribbage was a popular game amongst early explorers and whalers.

Nazis Take Winnipeg

A simulated invasion in Winnipeg during the Second World War gave Canadians an first-hand look at what things could be like if Nazis invaded Canada. 

Making a Law

Go through the motions of drafting, proposing, reading and voting for a federal law with your class.

The History of Canada’s Favourite Sports

This research activity encourages students to explore the history of their favourite sport!

Making Treaties

Taking a historical perspective means understanding the social, cultural, intellectual, and emotional settings that shaped people’s lives and actions in the past.

Finding Del's Truck

Students will explore historical significance as the process used by historians to evaluate what was important about particular events, people, and developments in the past.

Unceded Land

Explain and expand upon the concept of unceded land.

Treaty Day

Have students create an invitation to an event celebrating Treaty Day.