Shaky Foundations

Heritage advocates fear for the soul of Winnipeg’s downtown if a historic church is lost.
Article / Religion & Spirituality

Cold War Tech and Its Discontents

In the latest newsletter

Winter Air and Warm Cabins

Cross-country skiers follow trails used by Algonquins and homesteaders in beautiful Gatineau Park.

Witness Blanket: Bringing Voices of Residential School Survivors to the Classroom

This presentation introduces participants to and offers ways for educators to walk alongside their students on their pathways of reconciliation.

Cattle Haul

An agriculture student escorts a prized heifer on a cargo plane destined for Cuba.

2023 Governor General's History Awards

Lianne C. Leddy

Serpent River Resurgence opens with the stories of the lands and waters of Anishinaabek territory, of the great serpent, her radiant eggs, and the lessons to be learned from disturbing them in unsustainable and disrespectful ways.

Craft at Risk

Craft at Risk was an ambitious project to research, assess, and address the loss of traditional knowledge and craft in Newfoundland and Labrador.

Chantal Clabrough

The Westmount High School Memorial Project was a decade-long endeavour to research and commemorate the lives of the school’s alumni who served and died during the Second World War.
The Governor General's History Awards

Celebrating the very best in Canadian achievements in the field of history and heritage.

Latest Stories

Beacons Through Time

Lighthouses safeguard our shores — and our history.

Embracing Orcas

A young killer whale’s traumatic capture fostered new empathy for these intelligent marine mammals.


The handle of an iron flesher was made from the foot of a deer.

New Gallery Opens at UBC

Collections focus on early British Columbia and Yukon history.

Klondike Adventure

A road trip provides access to sites along the gold-rush-era Overland Trail.

Beautifying New Brunswick

Acadian architect Nazaire Dugas left an elegant legacy.
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Teaching about Disability in Your Classroom

These activities and resources guide teachers on incorporating disability studies in their classrooms.

Reflecting on Historical Inquiry

This lesson will help students reflect on what they have learned throughout their inquiry project.

Preparing for Difficult Conversations

In this lesson, students will assess their knowledge of the Residential School system and the ongoing investigations related to students who died while attending Residential Schools.

Considering the Role of Media on Public Awareness of Residential Schools

This lesson encourages students to reflect on the role of the media and the impact of the “news cycle” on public awareness of current affairs.