Currently showing winners from all years in all categories

Monique Martin

Monique Martin’s students created 22 large advertisements and posters that were displayed in Saskatoon bus shelters and on routes in May of 2007. The posters detailed a historical event, place or person in Saskatoon History.

Teaching / 2007

David Watkins

David Watkins believes that studying history is a key to self–determination. In his Canadian–African studies course students use the study of Canadian history to focus on their cultures' contributions to the multicultural fabric of Canada.

Teaching / 2007

Brian McKenna

Mr.McKenna has consistently demonstrated his exceptional ability to tackle the challenges of communicating history through a modern media with originality, determination, and a deep respect for those whose stories he tells.

Popular Media / 2007

Ken McGoogan

Historical biographer Ken McGoogan is a globe-trotting ex-journalist who survived a shipwreck in the Indian Ocean, placed a commemorative plaque in the High Arctic, and chased the ghost of Jane Lady Franklin across Tasmania.

Popular Media / 2006

Antony Caruso

Antony Caruso's approach to Canadian history fuses critical thinking with a healthy dose of drama.

Teaching / 2006

Kim Chagnon and Mary Scott

“ We’ve Come a Long Way, Baby! ” is a Social Studies unit that reveals to the students that like a quilt, a community is composed of many small parts, all of which are valuable on their own, however, when sewn together with care, each piece works together to create something beautiful.

Teaching / 2006

Jennifer Johnson–George

Jennifer Johnson–George’s grade one/two class immersed themselves in the work of uncovering the stories of Alberta’s history. Eleven field studies to museums and historical Stampede Park showed the students how the arrival of the train changed Canada’s west forever.

Teaching / 2006

Julie-Catherine Mercadier

Julie-Catherine Mercadier hopes that her grade 5–6 students, newly arrived in Canada, will come to understand the history behind the street names and sites around them.

Teaching / 2006

Greg Miyanaga

Greg Miyanaga’s students learn about the history of Japanese-Canadians during WWII. This is a collection of “hands-on, minds-on, and hearts-on” lessons about Japanese internment and redress.

Teaching / 2006

Blake Seward

Blake Seward has developed an award–winning unit called Lest We Forget. It began as a student exploration of primary military service files, based on the names found on the community cenotaph. This unit has grown and been adopted by schools across Canada.

Teaching / 2006