Currently showing winners from all years in all categories

James Daschuk

In this sweeping and disturbing account, James Daschuk chronicles the role that epidemic disease, global trade, the changing environment and government policy had on the lives of Aboriginals living on the Canadian Plains from the early eighteenth century to the end of the nineteenth.

Scholarly Research / 2014

Musées de la civilisation

The 2014 Governor General’s History Award for Excellence in Museums: History Alive! is presented to the Musées de la civilisation for the exhibition C’est notre histoire. Premières Nations et Inuit du XXIe siècle.

Museums / 2014

Mark Zuehlke

Mark Zuehlke, one of Canada’s prolific historical writers, is also one of the country’s pre-eminent military historians, and has written more than fifteen books on our military legacy.

Popular Media / 2014

Laurie Cassie and Sharon Moy

Laurie Cassie and Sharon Moy created an interdisciplinary unit for their students, combining science, literature, and history, which culminated in a train ride to Jasper, Alberta and a public display of their research projects.

Teaching / 2014

David Alexander and Ryan McManaman

As part of their school's War and Memory Legacy Project, students conducted original research relating to alumni who served in Second World War.

Teaching / 2014

Michael Berry

To learn about the history of Canada's economic policies, Michael Berry's students travel in a time machine and "meet" seven different Prime Ministers.

Teaching / 2014

Connie Wyatt Anderson

As a teacher in Opaskwayak Cree Nation, Manitoba, Connie has designed a unit on the First World War that incorporates First Nations' perspectives and focuses on the experiences of Aboriginal people.

Teaching / 2014

Manon St-Hilaire

Manon St-Hilaire’s Grade 6 class created four audio books to add to the audio corner of the school library. These books were written from a historical perspective and designed for each of the four learning modules for students in grades 1 through 4: Canadian art and artists, transportation, Heritage Fairs and Aboriginal culture and history.

Teaching / 2014

Gérald Charron

Gerald Charron's students participated in a project to recognize the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Empress of Ireland. After completing a novel student about the event, students broke out into groups to investigate four themes relating to the ship's sinking: territory / land, population, economy, and the St. Lawrence River.

Teaching / 2014

The Great Lakes Storm of 1913 Remembrance Committee

The Great Lakes Storm of 1913 Remembrance Committee came together in 2012 to plan a multi-faceted centennial remembrance for the greatest Canadian maritime disaster ever to occur on the Great Lakes.

Community Programming / 2014