Currently showing winners from all years in all categories

Mario Mimeault

Mario Mimeault a consacré sa vie à l’histoire. Avec ses nombreuses publications, ses projets d’informatique à caractère historique, ses fréquentes interventions à la radio et à la télévision, les distinctions qu’il a méritées, cet enseignant du secondaire pourrait assurément être désigné comme l’une des autorités canadiennes en matière d’histoire des pêches maritimes du Québec.

Teaching / 2000

Al Skeoch

Al Skeoch came out of retirement to teach high school history to a group of inner city teenagers, and students and colleagues alike are delighted that he did.

Teaching / 1999

Tom Morton

Tom Morton’s goal is to create a community of thoughtful, knowledgeable and cooperative learners “who see themselves as agents of positive change.” He teaches grades 9 - 11 and several of his classes are comprised of new Canadians who may love the country but know nothing of its past.

Teaching / 1998

Bob Johnstone: Today in History

CBC Radio journalist — Bob Johnstone, honoured for his “Today in History,” radio vignettes.

Popular Media / 1998

The CRB Foundation

The CRB Foundation won for producing its popular Heritage Minutes series, the 60-second mini-movies highlighting Canada's past, seen in theatres and on French and English television. Now known as the Historica Minutes.

Popular Media / 1997

Indu Varma

Indu Varma combines a project-based teaching approach with telecommunications to move beyond textbooks and classroom walls. Her classes in Canadian government, comparative studies, and the history of New Brunswick come to life through activity-based, interactive projects.

Teaching / 1997

Charles Hou

Charles Hou taught at Burnaby South Secondary School in British Columbia. One of the highlights of his career is the Begbie contest, a bilingual provincial Canadian history quiz for grade 11 students.

Teaching / 1996

Jacques Lacoursière

Jacques Lacoursière is a prolific and renowned French-Canadian author and historian who is to Québec, what Pierre Berton is to English Canada.

Popular Media / 1996

James H. Gray

James H. Gray, now deceased, was a well-known chronicler of Western Canadian history and author of such popular and accessible books as Red Lights on the Prairies, The Boy from Winnipeg and Booze.

Popular Media / 1995

Pierre Berton

Pierre Berton was a journalist, editor, TV personality — but most of all — historian, for transforming Canadian history into chart-topping best sellers.

Popular Media / 1994