The Pig War

The most curious international conflict between Canada and the United States involved the whimsical wanderings of a delinquent British-Canadian pig.

Article / Peace & Conflict

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Bombs in the Bush

Once upon a time, the Americans hid atomic bombs in Labrador. Seemed like a good idea at the time.

Arthur’s Secret

Presidents of the United States must be born on U.S. soil. So says the American Constitution. But evidence suggests that Chester Arthur, the twenty-first president, was born in a foreign land. Canada, perhaps? Shh, don’t tell the Americans.

Death of a Liberator, 1838

In 1838, Nils Gustaf von Schoultz fell in with a rowdy American crowd determined to “liberate” Canada from British tyranny. Unfortunately for him, Canada didn’t want, or need, liberating.

2024 Governor General's History Awards

Jo Anne Broders

Jo Anne Broders and her Grade 8 class embarked on a year-long journey to uncover and honour the history of a little-known Mi’kmaq cemetery in Gambo, Newfoundland and Labrador.

Wendell Nii Laryea Adjetey (Nii Laryea Osabu I, Atrékor Wé Oblahii kè Oblayéé Mantsè)

Cross-Border Cosmopolitans offers fresh insights into Black liberation movements in the twentieth century, focusing on the transnational efforts of Black North Americans of American, Caribbean, and Canadian descent.

Chinese Canadian Museum

The Chinese Canadian Museum is Canada’s first museum to honour the contributions, history, heritage, and the rich and diverse stories of past, present, and future Chinese Canadians.
The Governor General's History Awards

Celebrating the very best in Canadian achievements in the field of history and heritage.

Latest Stories

Cash but Don’t Carry

A weighty 1950s-era cash register was used at a Northern store.

More Than a Thousand Words

The work of one photojournalist brought rural Nova Scotia into focus.

Soaring High

Elsie MacGill was the world’s first female aeronautical engineer.

Roots: Online Etiquette

How to make friends and find genealogy answers on Internet forums.

Oh, Buona Vista!

Outdoor pageant regales audiences with stories and songs about Newfoundland and Labrador.

Reflections on Black History Month

Q & A: Author and social-justice advocate Rosemary Sadlier looks back on her integral role in this significant national recognition.
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Teaching about Disability in Your Classroom

These activities and resources guide teachers on incorporating disability studies in their classrooms.

Reflecting on Historical Inquiry

This lesson will help students reflect on what they have learned throughout their inquiry project.

Preparing for Difficult Conversations

In this lesson, students will assess their knowledge of the Residential School system and the ongoing investigations related to students who died while attending Residential Schools.

Considering the Role of Media on Public Awareness of Residential Schools

This lesson encourages students to reflect on the role of the media and the impact of the “news cycle” on public awareness of current affairs.