Brandon Y.

Vancouver, British Columbia

Vancouver Heritage Fair


My project is on CPAWS, which is Canada's only non-profit charity solely dedicated to the protection of parks and wilderness. CPAWS was formed in 1963 and has been working towards protecting at least half of Canada's public land and water ever since. How do they help though? CPAWS has different "chapters" all across Canada. Each chapter works to protect parks, land, and water in their territory or province (one chapter per province/territory). In addition, CPAWS educates the public at fairs, events, and schools to inform people about the importance of nature and why we need to act NOW (for example, Canada is home to a quarter of the world's remaining 'wild' forests, and with climate change and rapid population growth it is crucial that we protect them). CPAWS also helps animals, some of which include caribou in British Columbia and bears in Alberta.

What was the most interesting thing you learned about your topic?

The most interesting thing I learned was that CPAWS was formed because of only one person: Alvin Hamilton. A group of young nature enthusiasts heard about Hamilton and how he won a protest against hosting the Olympics in Banff National Park because that wasn't the purpose of the park. These young enthusiasts were inspired by that and now try to be like Hamilton too.

What important lessons have you learned that you want to share with other Canadians?

Heritage isn't only about the past, but also about the future, what we can protect, and what is important and significant to us and our country, such as parks and nature.

How would you compare your life today to the lives of those studied in your project?

CPAWS staff have to work very hard daily to protect and maintain the well-being of parks and nature across Canada, while I have to work very hard daily to complete and do a good job of homework. My life right now is nice and calm, but the staff at CPAWS have to face challenges and struggles every day to not only satisfy the lives of animals and parks, but also the lives of Canadian citizens.