Brooklyn B.

Gambo, Newfoundland and Labrador

Avalon Regional Heritage Fair

Samson Bixby: My Blue Puttee

Through research for my Heritage Fair project I discovered that I had a cousin who fought in World War One and that his daughter, still living, lives less than three hours away. Samson Bixby's story is a great story that Canada deserves to hear because a country's greatest asset is its people.




What was the most interesting thing you learned about your topic?

Samson Bixby was a Blue Puttee and he survived Beaumont Hamel to live until 1972 with a bullet in his chest. Wow! Not only that, I discovered a branch of the Bixby family tree that I never knew existed. So interesting!

What important lessons have you learned that you want to share with other Canadians?

I learned that our history is rich and full of great thrilling stories, but if we do not encourage people to unearth the histories then some of the very best stories will remain untold and will therefore be forgotten.

How would you compare your life today to the lives of those studied in your project?

I am so thankful to Samson and all those that fought in battles years ago and to those that fight battles today. Peace is such a beautiful gift that we sometimes take for granted. I am more grateful for peace and freedoms since I learned about the sacrifices soldiers made and still make today. Life without peace and freedom would be tragic.