Indira B.

Lethbridge, Alberta

Southern Alberta Regional Heritage Fair

Canadian Comics

Canadian comics are part of our culture. My topic explains the mark they have left on Canada and why they are important to learn about.





What was the most interesting thing you learned about your topic?

The most interesting thing I have learned about Canadian comics is that there are a wide variety of genres of comics, other than the stereotypical action comics. They can be comedy, sci-fi, or even romance.

What important lessons have you learned that you want to share with other Canadians?

I have learned that Canadian comics are not well known, even though they are very interesting. People should learn about Canadian comics because us Canadians can relate to the stories, as they are usually set in familiar places, like Toronto, Ottawa, or even Lethbridge.

How would you compare your life today to the lives of those studied in your project?

Well, comic artists have their own perspective of the world, and their own story. They want more action and more comedy in the world to make people smile and laugh at their comics. They inspire young people (like myself) to express themselves through drawing and writing.