Griffin F.

Bridgewater, Nova Scotia

South Shore Regional School Board

Prestigious Provo

My project focuses on Provo Wallis and his heroic roll in the incredible capture of the USS Chesapeake. This important Canadian moment in history helped launch his career to eventually becoming Admiral of the British Fleet.



What was the most interesting thing you learned about your topic?

Provo Wallis was a very interesting individual. He served in the Royal Navy for 96 years and lived to be 100, wow that's a long time. He may have had the longest service record to date!

What important lessons have you learned that you want to share with other Canadians?

I think its important for Canadians to know that anyone can become a hero and that it only takes one defining moment. Believe in yourself;you are capable of incredible achievements.

How would you compare your life today to the lives of those studied in your project?

Comparing my life to those in my project is extremely different. I watch "battles" from a screen. I have never actually been aboard a ship and I have never been away from my family for a fraction of time, like those in my project. This is the life they knew, it was a part of our past that we should never forget or take for granted.