Andjela O.

Ottawa, Ontario

Ottawa Regional Fair

The life of Thomas D'Arcy McGee

My project is about the life of Thomas D’Arcy McGee, who was a fellow father of Confederation.




What was the most interesting thing you learned about your topic?

There are a few things I have learned while researching and working on this particular topic. I have learned about the life T. D’Arcy McGee had, but also the most interesting is the question that still lingers: “Who killed T. D’Arcy McGee? Was it Patrick James Whelan?” During his trial in 1868 he kept on insisting being innocent. At the same time it was heard from the other people that Whelan did not kill T. D. McGee, and that they knew who did it. We will never know if he was telling the truth, if he might have been an innocent man hung for no reason.

What important lessons have you learned that you want to share with other Canadians?

I have come to the conclusion that any individual should follow his/her ideas. Thomas D’Arcy McGee was not the most important person in his homeland, Ireland; he was an Irish rebel, but a Canadian hero. His ideas were big; he believed in them and stood behind them, at the end he helped to create one wonderful country we live in.

How would you compare your life today to the lives of those studied in your project?

It is not easy to compare the life I live today with the one Thomas D’Arcy McGee lived. From the early childhood he had to overcome many obstacles. He was hated, and unfortunately did not live long enough to see that he was loved and respected by many Canadians. My life is better because of him.