
This May and June marks the 100th anniversary of the Winnipeg General Strike. To commemorate this historic event, the Seven Oaks School Division, Canada’s National History Society, and the University of Manitoba Department of History created an essay contest for Senior Years learners throughout the province of Manitoba. In both French and English, learners in Grades 11 and 12 contemplated the following question: What lessons can Canadians take from the Winnipeg General Strike of 1919?

Rules and guidelines can be found here:



Essays were due on April 26th and learners were asked to use the six historical thinking skills as a way to create their history. Four winners were selected, whereby the successful learners received $150, a book prize, and their essays are published on Canada’s History website.

Congratulations to the contest winners (click on the essay titles to read their submissions):

Naasiha Alam
Maples Met School
Teacher: Sara Germain
Title: The 1919 Winnipeg General Strike: media Manipulation and Censorship

Spencer Bubis
St. John’s-Ravenscourt
Teacher: Heather Ragot
Title: A Cautionary Tale: The Winnipeg General Strike

Heida Hall
Maples Met School
Teacher: Michelle Dombek
Title: The Forgotten Women of the Strike

Sophia Harms
École Kelvin High School
Teacher: Raymond Sokalski
Title: La Grève Générale de Winnipeg: Des Leçons Apprises sur la Peur

