
501 results returned for keyword(s) fur trade

Hugh Conn: Legendary Arctic Traveller

A tribute and a record of northern journey which places this retiring fur trade officer in the ranks of Most Celebrated Arctic Travellers.

Wonderful Washow

A journey to Cree land near Moose Factory reveals nature's delights. 

Parks Canada Finds Sunken Treasures

Archaeologists have been looking for traces of three storied eighteenth century shipwrecks in the Gwaii Haanas region of British Columbia.

Land of La Vérendrye

This former fur trade route is rich with history.

Disappointment River

Book Review: Brian Castner retraces the 1789 journey of fur trader Alexander Mackenzie to the Arctic coast.

Charting a Course

Aboard the ships Eaglet and Nonsuch, a pair of ambitious French adventurers set sail for Hudson Bay in hopes of striking it rich in the fur trade.

Thinking Big

Book review: With so many stories of the men whose names still adorn the buildings and mark the streets of Winnipeg’s Exchange District, Thinking Big feels at times like a guided historical tour through the area. Jim Blanchard’s book is most definitely a story of men and their businesses, but it’s also a very readable history of Winnipeg’s evolution from the early days of the fur trade up to the 1940s.

The Rise of Retail

From a network of trading posts to an international retail icon, HBC underwent a remarkable transformation in the twentieth century.

Navigator’s sextant

The Europeans relied on surveying instruments to chart their journeys. One important instrument was the sextant.

Painting David Thompson

Artist Don McMaster is bringing to life the story of David Thompson through a series of new paintings. Take a look through the travels and trials of this controversial explorer.