
206 results returned for keyword(s) kayak

Sports Stories

Teachers and homeschoolers are eligible to receive the December issue of Kayak free, PLUS free classroom resources.

Women's History

Sign up for your FREE digital Kayak Winter 2019 issue featuring stories about Great Women of Canada. PLUS you’ll have access to free lesson plans and resources.

Educate 150

Explore our Canada 150 Education Packages featuring K-12 lesson plans, activities, and resources. 

The Greatest Athlete in Canada’s History

This research and persuasive writing activity will inspire your students to think about their favourite Canadian athletes!

Roots, Branches and more!

Use this classroom activity to help students explore their family connections.

Two FREE Issues Offer

Teachers and homeschoolers are eligible to receive the April and June issues of Kayak free, PLUS free classroom resources.


Sign up for your FREE issues of Kayak featuring stories about commemoration and the symbols of Canada. PLUS you’ll have access to free lesson plans and resources.

We are all Treaty People

Guest editor Cynthia Bird of Peguis First Nation explores Treaties and the historic Treaty relationship between First Nations peoples and the British Crown, now represented by the government of Canada.

The Historical Exploration Continues

This lesson focuses on exploring what is known about specific Black fur traders and learning more about their life and character at the Hudson’s Bay Company or North West Company. 

Workers' Rights: Where do you Stand?

In this activity, students will learn about Madeleine Parent and the history of workers’ rights in Canada.