
499 results returned for keyword(s) fur trade

Mining Hope

Once, coal was king in Springhill, Nova Scotia. Then disaster struck.

History Spotlight: Sir Wilfrid Laurier

Who was the man who became Canada’s seventh prime minister?

Nellie McClung and the Great War

A champion of women’s rights, Nellie McClung also supported pacifism — until her eldest son signed up to fight.  

Canada's Father Figure

Sir John A. Macdonald has been caricatured as a drunkard and a crook. But without him there would be no Canada.

Wild Rice Harvest

Looking back at the tradition of wild rice harvesting among the Indigenous people of the Great Lakes region.

Camelot and Canada

Book Review: John F. Kennedy knew little about Canada before becoming the United States president in 1960, other than that his northern neighbour was a loyal ally.

The Prince & the Pistols

James “Gunsmith” Jones’ gift was fit for royalty. His patrimony was not. 

February-March 2018

See what’s available in the February-March 2018 issue of Canada’s History magazine.


Book Review: Those who have been overshadowed — the intellectual predecessors to the Quiet Revolution — include Éva Circé-Côté, the subject of Lévesque’s 2010 book that has now been translated into English.

After 1918: From Chaos to Mackenzie King!

With the Great War came great social turmoil. Strange, then, how little things actually changed.