
206 results returned for keyword(s) kayak

Weird Canadian Laws

Use the Summer 2017 issue of Kayak to help your students match these laws to the places that have/made them!

10 Places with Indigenous Names

Use the Summer 2017 issue of Kayak to help your students match these Indigenous place names with their meanings!

Canada 150 Educational Package

Canada 150 Educational Package


Canada’s History Society is a national charitable organization with a programming budget of $2.7 million annually. Founded in 1994 to popularize Canadian history, the society’s work includes: Canada’s History magazine, Kayak: Canada’s History Magazine for Kids,, and the Governor General’s History Awards.

Happy Birthday Canada!

The April 2017 issue of Kayak looks at 150 people, places and things that tell the story of Canada.

If Confederation Happened Today

Use this activity and the 2017 Summer issue of Kayak ​to engage your students with the concept of Confederation by asking them to think about it happening today! 

Connecting Kids and Treaties

For the first time, Kayak — Canada’s History Magazine for Kids — has published a special issue that helps Canadian children explore the story of Treaties and the treaty relationship in Canada.

Newsletter Sign-Up

Sign up for Canada's History newsletters and you could win a free book. Prizes given out monthly.

The Charter Educational Package

The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is as relevant now as ever. That doesn't mean we all understand it, of course. The February issue of Kayak introduces kids to what the Charter is, what life was like before it and how it was created, and why it matters. Sign up now to receive your free classroom copies.

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