
501 results returned for keyword(s) fur trade

Saint-Pierre and Miquelon

Two tiny islands off Newfoundland and Labrador are all that remain of what was once a vast French empire in North America.

The Smallest Objective

Book Review: In The Smallest Objective, author Sharon Kirsch embarks on a journey of discovery as she combs through the belongings that have been left in her childhood home.

The Invisibles

Book Review: Writer and former Parks Canada historian James Candow has filled a gap left by British military historians, who have largely overlooked the garrisons stationed in the colony of Newfoundland.

Into the Light

Often overlooked or misattributed, the works of Canada’s earliest women photographers are now being rediscovered.

The Nuclear North

Book Review: The Nuclear North explores Canada’s role as a nuclear state while commenting on diverse themes. 


Book Review: Amply illustrated and well-argued, Heroin charts centuries-long efforts to demonize both hard drugs and those who use them.

Come Aboard Transcript

Montreal Chronicles: Come Aboard Transcript

2022 Summer Reading Guide

Our special advertising section includes the latest history titles along with other new and recent books from Canadian publishers.

Little Mosque on the Prairie

Historic site helps tell the story of Muslims in Canada.

Down by the Riverside

The Red River north of Winnipeg was the beaten path for generations of Cree fishers and Scots settlers. As Barbara Huck discovers, today’s byway remains rich with historic resonance.