
501 results returned for keyword(s) fur trade

The Evil Deeds of Dr. Cream

Was Jack the Ripper a McGill University graduate?

Bonds of Empire

India and Canada share the marks of Europe’s colonial past.

Dangerous Spirits

Book Review: Shawn Smallman’s Dangerous Spirits is a fascinating look at the stories of the Windigo heard by early missionaries, fur traders, colonial officials, and legal authorities, and at those told by Indigenous elders.

Embroidered Pad Saddle

These saddles were made by women, and Métis women have been credited with exceptional expertise in their creation.

Lock and Key

This lock and key were used to secure the powder magazine at York Factory around 1840. 

Jesuit Ring

A brass token served to seal alliances and to propagate the faith.

Victoria, B.C.: Unearthing an intersection of cultures

A trade magnet for coastal First Nations in the mid-19th century, Victoria’s waterfront yields an unexpected trove of artifacts from many peoples.

Toot Sweet: When Jazz Ruled Montreal

The right place. The right time. The right guys. From the 1920s to the 1950s, the good times rolled in Montreal. The nightlife was wild. The jazz was hot. Too soon it was all over.

Old-School DIY

Your guide to surviving Canada throughout the ages.

2017 Book & Gift Guide

Our 14th annual advertising section offers a wide selection of books for Canadian history lovers.