
501 results returned for keyword(s) fur trade

Scott Chantler on historical research and visual storytelling

Watch now: in this webinar Scott Chantler discusses the historical research and creation of two of his publications, Two Generals and Northwest Passage, as well as his experiences engaging Canadians of all ages with graphic novels.

Prince of Rupert's Land

Carolyn Harris, a Canadian historian who specializes in royalty, reveals in this interview that few Canadians realize that Canada’s early destiny was steered by a swashbuckling cavalier.

The Beaver Archive

Do you have any really old Beaver magazines? We need your help to share our history!

Living on the Edges

From the Archives: A wolf pack hunts caribou in the North, plus more stories from the March 1952 issue of The Beaver magazine.

Tobacco Pipes

Clay tobacco pipes became part of European culture after explorers encountered Indigenous peoples in North America in the sixteenth century.

St. Vital Roman Catholic Church

Built in 1883, St. Vital is the oldest Catholic church in Saskatchewan.

Game Bag

This game bag, used to carry pelts of small mammals, is made from woven rawhide, known as babiche, and smoked caribou hide

Métis Violin

A family heirloom set people dancing for nearly two hundred years.

From Chert to Chateaux

Archaeological digs reveal a wealth of treasures.

Gentlemen Spies

The two young British dandies seemed wildly out of place in the Columbia District of 1845. Seemingly on holiday, they were in fact preparing for war.