
497 results returned for keyword(s) fur trade

New Life for Iconic HBC Store

Manitoba First Nations unveils visionary plan for downtown Winnipeg building. 

Widening the Story

Q&A: Mark Reid speaks with Stephen Bown about the inspiration behind the book, as well his thoughts on the HBC’s historical and cultural legacies.

Anchors Aweigh

The Manitoba Museum gives new life to its Nonsuch Gallery.

In Good Company

As the HBC’s 350th anniversary approaches, we invite readers to share their memories of North America’s oldest company.

The Saga of Northern Radio

In addition to its commercial importance, the creation of a fur-trade radio network in the 1930s brought far-reaching changes to the lives of Northern residents.

The Living Stone

Stone sculptures and implements produced by the Inuit of the eastern Arctic in the early 1950s.

Reflections on the making of Treaty 1 and the implications of Canada's Indian Act of 1876

Watch now: this webinar examines the written record of Treaty 1, the first of Canada's western treaties. 

Scott Chantler on historical research and visual storytelling

Watch now: in this webinar Scott Chantler discusses the historical research and creation of two of his publications, Two Generals and Northwest Passage, as well as his experiences engaging Canadians of all ages with graphic novels.

Prince of Rupert's Land

Carolyn Harris, a Canadian historian who specializes in royalty, reveals in this interview that few Canadians realize that Canada’s early destiny was steered by a swashbuckling cavalier.

The Beaver Archive

Do you have any really old Beaver magazines? We need your help to share our history!