
206 results returned for keyword(s) kayak

Cleaning Up

These bits and pieces of trash need to be tidied up. See how many you can find.

Turtle Island: A Picture of Afro-Indigenous History in Canada

The history of Afro-Indigenous peoples is largely underrepresented in classrooms and curricula due to the group’s intersectionality. Afro-Indigenous peoples have a unique history in Canada — and more broadly across Turtle Island — that deserves to be integrated into the narrative of Canadian history and Canadian identity. The following lesson is designed to better highlight the history of this marginalized group.

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The Canadian Patriotic Fund, 1914–1919

In this lesson students explore the role of the Canadian Patriotic Fund during the First World War.

Exploring the Life of Thanadelthur

In this lesson, students will be introduced to Thanadelthur, an Indigenous woman known for her bravery, leadership, and forethought.

The Last Battle of Seven Oaks Puppet Play

In this lesson, students will create and perform a puppet play about the Battle of Seven Oaks.

Decolonizing a Flag for a New Generation

In this lesson, students will design a new provincial / territorial flag more representative of the post-colonial era.


This year, Canada’s History Society is publishing two magazines on Treaties and the Treaty Relationship. The first, under the banner of Canada’s History, is aimed at adults and secondary-level students. The second magazine is intended for younger audiences and will be published as the September issue of Kayak.

Nan Sdins

Remnants of Haida village reveal a rich and flamboyant society.

Summer 2017

We celebrate Canada’s 150th birthday and how our country came to be with the silly, the serious and the surprising stories of our past. Meet some of the people who helped bring democracy to our country, the people who made it a country, and the people who watched along the way.