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Fundamental Freedoms
April 17, 2012 marked the 30th anniversary of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and classrooms across the country took an extra moment to discuss the history and implications of this important event. The Fundamental Freedoms website provides 12 educational guides for teaching various aspects of the Charter, to be used in conjunction with a documentary of the same name (available for purchase through McNabb Connolly). The guides provide teachers with topic overviews, suggested preparation and classroom activities.
The website also breaks the Charter into smaller sections for teachers, providing explanations, analyses and case laws that demonstrate how courts interpret the Charter. These sections are all accompanied by related audio and video clips that add a nice multi-media dimension to the content. Students and teachers can also explore the Virtual Charter — a high-resolution copy of the original document (in 23 languages)!
Go inside the Charter at
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