Award Recipients

Currently showing winners from all years in all categories

Janet Thompson

For Janet Thompson, the best way to engage students is to give them opportunities to be actively involved in their learning by thinking like historians. It’s this passion for teaching historical thinking that drives her in the classroom.

Teaching / 2012

Daraius M. Bharucha and Stefano Fornazzari San Martín

The idea for the project “My Place in Canadian History: Digital Storytelling with Historical Thinking Concepts” came from a simple question that was extremely relevant to both Stefano Fornazzari San Martín and Daraius M. Bharucha, given their own journeys to Canada.

Teaching / 2012

Shantelle Browning-Morgan

Shantelle's course gives students of African descent an opportunity to connect with their education and see their histories and cultures reflected. While Black students feel affirmed and empowered as they became aware of the contributions made by other Blacks in Canada and worldwide, non-Black students are also impacted as they gain a deeper cultural understanding and receive a balanced sense of global contributions, both past and present.

Teaching / 2011

Sarah Beech and Chad Howie

Over four-five weeks, students relive the Seven Years’ War by researching, learning military tactics, designing an intelligence report, creating props, role-playing, and learning marching techniques. They then simulate the battle on the Plains of Abraham with over 120 grade seven students.

Teaching / 2011

Raymond Bédard

For a time, Mr. Bédard's students take on the role of museum curators to assess the historical value of old objects.

Teaching / 2011

Flora Fung

Lesson plans and projects on WWI, The Winnipeg General Strike, as well as, a Hong Kong Commemoration Ceremony, the organizing of a History Conference and the 'Portraits of Valour' Writing Contest inspire Flora's students to be more involved.

Teaching / 2011

Andrew Stickings

"Reel History" is a grade 5 class project that looks at immigration yesterday and today. Students found out what it was like to come to Canada many years ago through Pier 21 in comparison to what it is like immigrating to Canada today.

Teaching / 2011

Sylvia Smith

Under Sylvia's guidance her students booked guest speakers, developed multimedia resources, and began decorating small wooden tiles that became meaningful artifacts, each one representing a young life lost to the depredations of the Indian Residential School system.

Teaching / 2011

Adrian Charles French

Covering 99 years of Canadian history is a feat no teacher can accomplish in the span of a school year. Mr. French’s class are given a dose of some of the more remarkable and relevant examples of that rich period and, as a result, have a thought-provoking year.

Teaching / 2010

Amy Park

Seven-year-old historians and archaeologists uncovered the stories behind an array of Inuit artifacts and art pieces borrowed from the Glenbow Museum.

Teaching / 2010