Award Recipients

Currently showing winners from all years in all categories

Susan Anderson and Susan Earles

Susan Anderson and Susan Earles have been collaborating on an integrated grade 4/5 local history resource for several years: “The History of Tsawwassen” and “Local Pioneer Study.”

Teaching / 2003

Peter Bjornson

Peter Bjornson uses cross–curricular projects and community partnerships to get his students thinking “out of the books.” His classes take ownership of local heritage, learning the importance of history as they explore national and global connections to their own local stories.

Teaching / 2003

Raymond Duchesne

Raymond Duchesne has dedicated his life to unearthing, creating and experimenting with new teaching methods to awaken his students' interest in history.

Teaching / 2003

Pam Irving

Pam Irving endeavors to bring the grade 2/3 curriculum to life in the History of Millarville. Her project involves Galileo Educational Network mentorship, researching primary source information, visiting exhibits and archives at local museums, discussions with First Nations People and historians.

Teaching / 2003

Deanna Millard

Deanna Millard develops innovative lesson plans for her grade 7/8 class. She uses slides, video, maps, newspapers, political cartoons, skits, artifacts, costumes, letters, journals, music, poetry, paintings, debates, fieldtrips and guest speakers to engage her students.

Teaching / 2003

Gary Simons

Gary Simons is a 25–year veteran with a reputation for innovation, student success and making Canadian history come alive. His senior students engage in history debates, role–play and computer simulations.

Teaching / 2003

Josette Bouchard–Müller

Josette Bouchard–Müller has taught in two educational environments: Toronto French School and the Mistassini Cree Reserve. She rallies francophone and anglophone students and teachers around large — projects on human rights and revolutions to prove that there is passion in Canadian history.

Teaching / 2002

Barbara Brockmann

Barbara Brockmann sees Canadian history as a critical cornerstone that helps her inner–city, multicultural grade 8 students find a ‘place’ in their country. She integrates Canadian History with Language Arts and Drama.

Teaching / 2002

Nick Brune

Nick Brune has written history textbooks, videos, teaching packages and articles. He has given workshops and presentations throughout Canada. He has been the educational writer for the award–winning CBC–TV News in Review that reaches over two million students across Canada.

Teaching / 2002

John Jamieson

John Jamieson connects his students with their Inuit culture through archaeology, elders, art and entrepreneurship. Over 160 Inuit artifacts dating back 3,000 years are duplicated in his school and include fishskin dolls, model kayaks, and hunting tools.

Teaching / 2002